Makom Project | Part 5

Desert Oasis, Inventory, Allenby - Passage, My Naan
Amit Goren

Desert Oasis - Director: Pavel Wohlberg (Photographer) | Be'er Sheva is a city of sand, hard, hot and remote, but it is my first city in Israel, which I came to from Russia. Every two weeks I return to visit my mother and friends.

Inventory - Director: Doron Solomons (Video Artist) | I examine, map and catalog all the things that belong to me in my home, from the smallest details to my family. 

Allenby, Passage - Director: Nurith Aviv (filmmaker) | I take the camera to Allenby Street, where as a child I accompanied my father to photo shops. This old-fashioned and deteriorating street provides a journey to a multi-layered Tel Aviv.

My Naan - Directors: Maccabit Abramson (screenwriter) and Avner Feiglerant (filmmaker) | The day Shani was murdered on the lawn, surrounded by huge eucalyptus and ficus trees, planted by my idealistic parents in Kibbutz Naan, we were in the dining hall. Everyone fell silent as the news passed between the tables. 

2002, 28 min, Director: Pavel Wohlberg, Doron Solomons, Nurith Aviv, Macabit Abramson-Avner Feingulerent, Production: Amit Goren Productions

Tags: Pavel Wohlberg  Beer Sheva  desert  Russian immigration  housing projects  visit  home  inventory  Allenby Street  photo shops  Tel Aviv  walking  kibbutz  founders  murder  trauma 

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