Corona Catharsis

Two years with the virus
Amit Goren

2020 - 2021. A world consumed by a global pandemic. Humanity is locked in and isolated. Mass burials, masks, gloves, disinfectants, social distancing, statistics of infections, hospitalization and the deceased, desolate urban and rural landscapes are all over the media. The initial shock and fear evovle into anger, frustration, mistrust, conspiracy theories, racism, poverty and politics that fuel global demonstrations and violence. Leading pharmaceutical companies claim they'll stop the pandemic and save humanity. Under the "Trailerhead" label Yoav Goren created an album of new compositions inspired by this historic experience. 8 composers explore a wide range of impressions in several corners of the world. For its soundtrack, the film "Corona Catharsis" uses the first and last tracks of the album to capture a wide range of emotions and reactions that these tumultuous two years have ingrained in us all. Music: "The Rock Upon Which All Waves Crash" by Dean Valentine | "Covid Elegy" by Yoav Goren | Production and Direction: Amit Goren | Archival Research and Editing: Noa Keidan | Colorist: Aharon Pe'er - RGB Post Production Studio | Image Conform: Joshua Pe'er. 

2021, 11 min, Director: Amit Goren, Production: Amit Goren Productions

Tags: Corona  Covid  Covid19  isolation  vaccine  Pfizer  Moderna  sick  hospital  dead  virus  violence  poverty  rage  anger  doctor  hospitalization  Israel  USA  China  Italy 

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